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Outros Mamas begin in 2018 as a podcast about feminism and veganism and since then we have been transformed every day by the conversations with our guests and challenges we encountered on our way as communicators.

Today, we produce online content and share the questions and ideas that we believe are important in building a better world and creating fairer and freer relationships for and with all people, animals and the planet.

Barbara sorrindo, usando headfone e segurando o microfone com a mão esquerda. Ela usa um vestido vermelho e está sentada em um sofá lilás, com o notebook à sua frente e o celular ao lado

Designer, producer and host

Being born in São Paulo capital but living most of the time in Brasília made Barbara always looks at the world through the lens of cultural relations. She likes to solve problems, therefore, questions everything and brings up topics that make it possible to change the world collectively.

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Thais Goldkorn

Social media, producer and host

Thais moved from the countryside to the capital of São Paulo to make films and soap operas. After ten years working on the industry, she saw on the internet the power of connecting people through subjects that move her and the world around her.

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Thais está também sentada no soféa lilá, usa uma blusa verde e uma calça roxa e olha para o lado direito sorrindo e segurando o microfone com a mão direita
A foto mostra um encontro realizado em Curitiba em 2019 no restaurante Vegveg. Na foto, tem várias pessoas sentadas assistindo Barbara e Thais falarem


From the beginning of the project, we chose to meet our audience in person, an have real conversations offline. We have already had workshops, lectures, talks at universities and companies in São Paulo, Campinas, São Carlos, Santos, Curitiba, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Natal and João Pessoa.


We also have online talks and classes prepared. If you are interested in organizing an event with us, just get in touch here.

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